Howdy little blog-world!
Haven't seen you in many-a-moon. Welp. I've been just chilling and doodie doo'in. Going to school. Can't wait to be done with this MESS! in Feb.
Welp. I've been working on my clothing designs, doodie doo n all, and man. My whole life has been about fashion lately, like...seriously. It's all about Fashion Figures, clothing designers, spring 2010 color palets and...everything. I can't believe it.
It's crazy cuz...when I look in the mirror now, I don't see ME, yah know? I don't see Christina the Tom-boy, with the pony-tail and the baggy jeans and the hoodies. I see a girl with cute hats and a purse, and form-fitting jeans, and sandals (rememb. I told you about that jive!), and tighter shirts. Earrings, always looking to look cute and cool (well, to myself at least). And though I'm not really there where I want to be, fashion-wise, right now, I'm slowly getting there and it's scarily liberating.
Like...a few days ago i was leaving with my sister and mom, and I was rushing in the mirror trying to get ready, and before I left i looked in the mirror at myself and went "WHOA." Like...my hair was down and I just looked...girly. It was kind of an outer body reality, like...a flash-back moment, only without the visual flashback, it was more like a flashback feeling. Not saying my changing into feminine wonder-girl is bad but it's just...different.
If you all could see how I looked three years ago, and see me now, you'd be like "Dang...who the heck was she!?"