Sunday, November 8, 2009

Life; iCEE

One Step Forward.
.three steps back.

You Want Change?!?!!!?!?!?!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Life is Fashion; iCEE

Howdy little blog-world!

Haven't seen you in many-a-moon. Welp. I've been just chilling and doodie doo'in. Going to school. Can't wait to be done with this MESS! in Feb.

Welp. I've been working on my clothing designs, doodie doo n all, and man. My whole life has been about fashion lately, like...seriously. It's all about Fashion Figures, clothing designers, spring 2010 color palets and...everything. I can't believe it.

It's crazy cuz...when I look in the mirror now, I don't see ME, yah know? I don't see Christina the Tom-boy, with the pony-tail and the baggy jeans and the hoodies. I see a girl with cute hats and a purse, and form-fitting jeans, and sandals (rememb. I told you about that jive!), and tighter shirts. Earrings, always looking to look cute and cool (well, to myself at least). And though I'm not really there where I want to be, fashion-wise, right now, I'm slowly getting there and it's scarily liberating.

Like...a few days ago i was leaving with my sister and mom, and I was rushing in the mirror trying to get ready, and before I left i looked in the mirror at myself and went "WHOA." hair was down and I just looked...girly. It was kind of an outer body reality, like...a flash-back moment, only without the visual flashback, it was more like a flashback feeling. Not saying my changing into feminine wonder-girl is bad but it's just...different.

If you all could see how I looked three years ago, and see me now, you'd be like "Dang...who the heck was she!?"


Friday, October 30, 2009

Ewe, the Sniffles; iCEE

Ha "sniffles" makes me think of Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones", i forget which one, the one with his dad in it, i think it was The Last Crusade or something, but he walks into this room pretending to have a Scottish accent, and it's raining outside and he goes, "A-chooo! Oh look I've gone and caught a sniffle". hahaha I died, that was so funny.

Speaking of Scottland, I really want to go visit Ireland (not the same, i know) but it made me think about it. I really want to visit my native land, see what it's like.....learn to river dance...

Among other things of course...ehem.

I also want to get married, in case you didn't know. To a man name Jorge who lives in a tree shack up on Candy ave by Legumree park....down by the Basset Lake in Bologna Town...

You know...I can't help but wonder if you thought I was serious..p...pppahahahahahaha.

Nope. There's no man in my life, only sand. Look...lots and lots of sand.

BTW...I'm sick.


Some people are shy with words.
I on the other hand, embrace them, make them my own, nuture them until they're grown,
To do all of the things I taught them and raised them to do.

To work my wonders for me.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Howdy; iCEE

Am I crazy?

That's pretty blunt, but in all reality.
Am I? I...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Halo? Already Gone?l iCEE

Ok. So I know I'm stupid late, but I just officially heard Kelly Clarkson's song "Already Gone" (which I LOVE!) And I did hear Halo in there. I feel sorry that that happened because with all of the creative minds in the world, I don't believe any 2 artists should have the EXACT same track and melody. That'

So. Which do you all like better??

Kelly Clarkson- Already Gone


Beyonce- Halo

I personally love them BOTH. If I had to pick one, it'd be Kelly Clarkson's. I think she sung it beautifully. Wonderful comeback for her. She made the best of a bad situation, and she made a great song.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weaveless Pieces; Anais Coiffure

Hay everyone! Whats up!

Well, I have a friend who is an expert hair stylist. She's worked on photoshoots (For the Kardashians and others) and she also was a hairstylist for The Tyra Banks Show when it was in LA, and she also does many other things, and she now has a website up where you can buy weaveless pieces.

It's so cool. I personally love the Malaysian hair. It is sooooooo soft! Oh my goodness! And my little sister did the site, which she did an awesome job! And wow. It's so cool. So, everyone who might be interested, or might have a mommas, baby daddy's, little sisters, daughters, god mothers, older, more funnier, sister, who might be interested. Then visit the site.

Yup yup. Thanks a buuunch!