Yeah it's 3:14am as I'm typing this. Note: I'm a night person. Which sucks because the majority of the world, not to mention my friends, are not "owls" like me. Dude. I literally sleep all during the day and stay up all night. BUT! That was not my purpose for writing this...lol

WHOA! Why is Iron Man like...the BOMBEST movie everrrr. Man I just saw it for the first time today and let me tell you....if you haven't seen it, sorry my friend but you've lost your rockers. Trust me, I'll be upfront, if a movie was lame...I'll say it
Speaking of Box Office trash. Let's talk about ::cough::Bat-Lame::cough::
whew...excuse me.
Let's be serious now. What the heck was that movie REEEAAALLY about. Now don't get me
wrong, I'd NEVER trash Heath Ledgers role as The Joker. I mean...wow...he was AMAZING! He made that movie. But if he didn't play the joker and someone else did....would the movie still have been "oh my gosh sooo amazing" to you?

I say no. I mean...the movie sucked cans! Batman had no "WOW" moments. The movie should have been called "The Joker". Without the Jokers thrilling moments, this movie would have been trash just like the first one. Batman is my FAVORITE superhero of all time, but i am disappointed. Now for all my ladies who've noticed, cuz lets face it, guys don't care too much about what I'm about to say, but Batman has a "jaw". Now what I mean by that is...Batman has a particular jaw structure, a structure of confidence. If you watch ALL of the old Batman's, and even the cartoons. Batman had confidence and it showed on his jaw. His jaw was very strong, and full of that manly test
osterone that made you believe that once he got in that suite, he was gonna throw some bones (I think that means kick butt or something. idk I heard Brooke Valentine say it in ""Girlfight") but basically, there was gonna be some head tossing. But when this dude, whatever his name is, puts on that suite, he's weak and his jaw is fragile, like if you touch it he's gonna cry. The dude has a lisp which Batman NEVER had. I mean, it may seem like nit-picking but its reality. The movies was a full blown "dumb moment" for batman. Like at the beginning when all those dudes were pretending to be Batman, and how Scarecrow was even tryna pretend to be him. Hellllloooo, that was irrelevant and unnecessary. Then how they THREW Two-face in there. Then he was wack cuz he didn't really have two personalities like how the original Two-face had. This dude wasn't psycho at all. I mean, he did not sell it. He was....ehem...LAME!

ugh. A disgrace to a comic book.
But on to weirder things. YO! I had a dream a possum was chasing me and my brothers and sisters...cuz my aunt has this possum roaming around her neighborhood. I mean...I'm seriously afraid of those.
Another weirdo moment. Two days ago I woke up and I looked at my cousins clock and it read "4:45 pm" so I'm like Dang, I woke up late. So I get started on my homework and about three hours passed but I didn't realize it was that long. So my bro is like, "Whoa You finally woke up early" and i say, "Dude...i woke up at 4" then he walks in the dining room and he's like "Girl...what are u talking about, it's not even four o'clock yet." so i look at the clock on my laptop and i realize that its 2:32 pm. And all i could say was..."oooh".
man....I'm slow. I didn't realize that if i did wake up at 4 pm instead of 11am (like i really did) then it would have been going on 8 pm. And if i looked to my left...i would have noticed that the sun was shining quite brightly...
sometimes...i just don't know about myself.
Sincerely and with dishes,
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